SSO Migration

Migration to SSO for key UD systems

Single Sign-On (SSO) enables a person to sign into one service and once authenticated use the same credentials for accessing additional configured services. This provides a more seamless experience alongside better security.

The University is deploying a Single Sign-On (SSO) service for the majority of its IT systems. The primary benefit is that you will only need to sign in once and will not be re-prompted as you move across University managed systems. Other advantages include reducing the number of logins that staff need to remember, simplifying the password reset process and improving cybersecurity resilience.

We are currently working with vendors to prepare ARK and the LibraryHub to support this. In preparation, we would like to have all staff migrate their accounts on the Forms and UMS sites to the new SSO service. This way a password will already be set up and you with familiar with its operation when those services are migrated. A number of you have already begun using this method, so please confirm that you are doing step 2.

There is migration guide for setting up your existing account.