ARK: Signalling With Text and Media Areas

This guide introduces the design principle of Signalling and its application in Text and Media Areas on ARK.

The challenge when developing documentation and training on educational technology is that technology and pedagogy have to engage in a symbiotic relationship. Placed in binary, if you only have the pedagogy but not the skills to use the technology – you have a resourcing gap and both teaching staff and students alike will be frustrated. On the other hand, if you have the technical skills but not the design or pedagogical understanding to use the technology appropriately, bad design can also get in the way of students learning effectively.

With that tension in mind, this guide will aim to teach how a basic multimedia learning principle can be applied using a very simple technique on ARK. On the pedagogy side we’re going to be looking at the design principle of Signalling and on the technology side, we’re going to be using Text and Media Areas to achieve that on ARK.

A recording of the live presentation at Teaching Conference 2023 can be viewed or click through to each of the 4 parts to the guide for a written walkthrough.

Part 1: Signalling Principle

An introduction to Signalling Principle

Part 2: Adding Content to an ARK Section or Topic

Adding content to an ARK section

Part 3: Applying Signalling Principle to an ARK section

Applying Signalling Principle to building a section or topic in an ARK unit.

Part 4: Using Templates to Build Units

Using templates to speed up the process of building well designed units