College preparation of a Unit

This applies to people with Academic Dean and AD Delegate roles.

Once a draft unit (whether new or a revision) has been edited, it is then proposed. Proposed units are considered ‘in preparation’ and require further steps by the College prior to submission for approval.

Units in this state will appear on the Units Dashboard in the Units in preparation section.

Sending a unit for external review

Typically the first steps in the process is an External Review. In order to send this via the UMS to the appropriate person, you need to firstly assign the external reviewer.

  1. Locate the unit that you wish to send for review

  2. Click the Edit unit button

  3. Scroll down to the Approvals section and select the person from the list

    Note that only those who are accredited as unit reviewers and for the discipline of the unit are listed.

  4. Click on Update unit at the bottom of the page

  5. You can now click on the Send to reviewer button

  6. The unit will now appear under the Awaiting external review section

Once an external review is complete, the unit returns to ‘In preparation’ on the dashboard. Viewing the unit shows the reviewer and the review date under the Approvals section

Further, an additional button that presents the output of the external review.

Sending a unit for library impact review

There is truncated process for sending to library staff for preparation of the library impact statement.

  1. Locate the unit that you wish to send for review

  2. You can now click on Send to librarian

  3. The unit will now appear under the Awaiting library review section

Once the library impact statement is complete, the unit returns to ‘In preparation’ on the dashboard. Further, viewing the unit shows the librarian and the librarian impact review date under the Approvals section.

Completing unit preparation and CAC endorsement

The next step is a review by the College Academic Committee. The unit is considered prepared after having the above checks completed, and once done a new button appears - Unit prepared, for CAC.

Clicking this button progresses the unit to the next state and allows for the CAC Review.