
Can I contact others in my unit?

Yes, you can contact any member of a unit in which you are enrolled (including the teacher) without knowing contact details.

From within a unit (i.e., not from your home page), you can open the Navigation menu where you should see the CURRENT UNIT in which you are enrolled. Clicking Participants will open up a list of all participants in that unit.

Find list of people

You cannot see contact details, but you can send a message through ARK, by clicking on the person’s name and then choosing Message below the person’s picture or icon.

Send message

The messaging interface will appear to the right, with the person selected as the recipient. Type your message and click the paper plane image to the right.

Send message interface

The message will sent and the person notified. Notification depends on whether they are currently logged in and their messaging preferences.

You should only send messages to others when the content is related to the unit of study.