Types of Units

While studying at the University of Divinity, you will hear your lecturer refer to child unit and meta unit. Units at the University of Divinity are often delivered to students studying at different levels (e.g. undergraduate or postgraduate) or delivery modes (e.g. online or face to face) which have different assessment criteria.

If you can’t find your units, contact your lecturer, or the school or college where you are taking the unit.

Child unit

To ensure you are assessed based on the unit you are enrolled in, your assessment tasks and information will be found in a unit known as a child unit. In the child unit, you will find a link to the Unit Guide, information about marking and assessment criteria, and assessment tasks. Depending on the assessment task, this might be a quiz or a assessment task submission zone.

The child unit will have a name that looks something like BN9230Z-2032Online Name of Unit. This is simply the unit code, year and month the unit starts, the mode of delivery (e.g. Face to Face) and the name of the unit.

Meta unit

If the unit you are studying is also being delivered to students studying at different levels or delivery modes, the common learning materials and activities will be placed in a meta unit. This allows your lecturer to do things like invite you to participate in online discussions with all students studying the unit regardless of assessment criteria.

The meta unit will have ‘Meta unit’ in the name of the unit.